1. Join the Right Company
Your first step into becoming a successful network marketer is to choose the right company. The many companies rising daily have made choosing a problem, but if you can consider below points when choosing, you’d be less likely to make a mistake:
The mentorship factor goes a long way in the making of a successful network marketer. This subject will be discussed in details in a latter paragraph of this article.
How you get paid
The compensation plan of the company is a very important factor to consider. What is their pay structure? What is their payment policy?
The timing
The key to determining the timing factor is to try to avoid companies that are either too young or too old. Start up MLMs of 5 years and below are usually very risky. On the other hand, fully established companies of like 50 years old are probably saturated. Not a good idea!
The product/service
What are the company’s products or services? Remember this is basically how they make their money. Their products have to be of very high quality and be beneficial to people buying them.
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