The 5 P’s Of Evaluating A Multi Level Marketing Company

  Pay Plan: The next crucial piece of the puzzle to finding the right network marketing opportunity that is going to be a fit for you is to consider how much you get paid for the amount of work you put in.

While finding a network marketing company with kick butt products, people, and that you have a passion for is crucial to your success the last point can’t be stressed enough.

If it takes 5,000 people on your team to earn a $5,000 per month check from the company how motivating is that going to be to you? I would venture to guess…. not very.

Most mlm companies pay out anywhere from 20%-40% of the revenue that is generated by the sales force which leaves 60%-80% of the revenue in the hands of the company which can be very discouraging to the average representative since they are the ones out on the front line making it happen every day (as a side note I actually found a company that pays out 100% commissions).

So you want to make sure that you are definitely receiving 100% of the commission that your efforts are generating.

This is the difference of making ten $100 sales and earning $200-$400 in commission and earning $1,000 for the same amount of work.

That’s a pretty significant difference wouldn’t you say?



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