Fairness and a Level Playing Field_ Network Marketing

One of the most liberating benefits of network marketing is the fundamental fairness of the businesses.  It is, by any measure, a true meritocracy.  If you want to be successful, it can happen.  Your age, gender, race, lifestyle or physical condition is not an impediment to how high you can rise in an organization or how well you get compensated.

In many network marketing organizations, you will notice a greater participation of minorities — African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and women — than in other types of sales organizations.  These groups have come to understand that if they work hard, and the rules are fair, they can achieve and succeed.

The proof of fairness in the industry has been the number of success stories of people who had not succeeded in other businesses.  People who were down on their luck or just down and out period.  We found stories of people who went from being broke to being banked through network marketing.

In conclusion, we all know the tangible benefits of direct sales—money and success.  But there are many intangible benefits to a career in direct sales, network marketing that often are overlooked.  These benefits – (1) personal development; (2) self-empowerment; (3) spiritual growth and values; (4) leadership and service, and (5) belonging and community are just as valuable to the development of a successful person.


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