Types of people to include in your network

 To diversify your personal and professional network of connections, include a mix of people from different backgrounds, locations, educations and other life experiences.

Remember your networking goal is to build an inclusive community!

  1. Friends and family. When it comes to combatting loneliness, spending time with your family and close friends ranks at the top of the list.
  2. Current and past bosses and coworkers. Don’t wait until you need a job to connect with your coworkers and others within your organization. Also maintain contact with people from past jobs.
  3. Business distributors and suppliers. Keep in touch with the people who provide various services to your business. This includes your marketing agencies, contractors and freelancers. They tend to be good sources of information and jobs.
  4. Professional colleagues. Take advantage of conferences, live events and professional organizations to meet others in your field.
  5. Former professors and teachers. Don’t limit yourself to school instructors. Also include teachers related to your passion projects.
  6. Classmates. Stay in touch with your school friends. You’ve got a shared past and group of contacts.
  7. Members of religious organizations and other groups where you share non-business interests. For me, this would include my local knitting groups.
  8. Neighbors. Don’t overlook the power of physical proximity and the impact it has on shared interests.
  9. Professionals you consult outside of business. Many people underestimate the power of the people they see everyday. Why? Familiarity. Take off your blinders and reach out to people who see lots of people everyday. This includes your doctors, their assistants and your hairdresser.
  10. Social media contacts. Don’t assume that every social media contact wants to develop a longer lasting relationship. Rather, be open to extending your relationship onto another platform or means of communication.


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